I was out of town for a week and I just played catch up! make sure and click on "older posts" at the bottom of the page to see all the posts from my week away!


Day 22


We're headed home tomorrow. Recharge a little, enjoy some family time, each other and my dads wonderful chicken sandwiches. I can't wait.
I still love going home. Hurricane will always have our hearts. 

We took this picture in april of 2008. 
we used to just go jump on the ranger and get away out south for a while. what teenager didn't? 

I love this quote too, its so me. 
Andy's my home, he's where I feel warmth and comfort. 
he's my rock my solid ground that I need when the world is spinning. 

okay I'm done. 
have a good weekend everyone!

1 comment:

  1. this is probably my favorite picture or yours...
    because i'm from Hurricane & i was [& still am] one of those teenagers. Out South is the one place i can never get enough of!
