I was out of town for a week and I just played catch up! make sure and click on "older posts" at the bottom of the page to see all the posts from my week away!



I snapped the picture on the right today of miss scarlett and immediatly thought of the photo on the left.
editing it I couldn't help but think how perfect this little girl has always been, since day one everything about her has been perfect and she couldn't ever be anything but perfect, not matter what she does in her life she will always be perfect to me. She will always be my little girl.

Having a daughter means loving
more than you knew you could love.
It means giving
more thank you knew you could give.
It means receiving
so much more in return...
Having a daughter means knowing
that whatever else
you did or didn't do,
You gave the world
something beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. Priceless! interesting how you just have a storage of photos in your head that you can remember them to go back and refer too.
