I was out of town for a week and I just played catch up! make sure and click on "older posts" at the bottom of the page to see all the posts from my week away!


Day 40


Andy's still way sick, but atleast he's gotten up a few times and walked around and thats an accomplishment from yesterday. 
We were all getting a little cabin fever so he decided to take me to show me the old part of the las vegas strip. 

observation #1.  WAY cooler than the new part. WAY
observation #2  this place was crawling with awesome photoshoot locations. there was a bajillion of them!
observation # 3. I'm missing out because we went in the day, and it would be soooooo much cooler at night. 

I need a cute couple (or even single lady) that would volunteer to drive down to vegas and let me photograph them at all the cool places on the las vegas strip. it would take probably a month or longer to get all the good locations in so pack your bags for a while. 
seriously though, anyone wanna come down on a weekend and let me photograph them? not for a whole month of course. if you do email me and let me know. 

As soon as we get a babysitter me and Andy are going to go down there and walk around at night. Maybe even get married by Elvis.
(cause thats where all the wedding chapels are)
We also saw the Pawn Store, from the show Pawn Stars on the Discovery channel. Maybe for my 21 birthday we can scrounge up a baby sitter somewhere (any takers?) and head down, I could even pull a slot or two. cause ya' know I'd be big bad and 21. whoo whoo.
I'd get about just as crazy as an lds wife/mom can get on her 21st birthday in Vegas. 


  1. Kate and I need a good reason to come down and that sounds like it could be pretty fun. Plus getting to hang out with you guys would b fun too!

  2. i would love for rick and i too, but he hates taking pictures! ha ha. ill try to talk him into it.

  3. Sam you should ask Emmy since she just moved down there!! That would be way fun for you guys.
