I was out of town for a week and I just played catch up! make sure and click on "older posts" at the bottom of the page to see all the posts from my week away!


Day 20

I'm so glad to get January out of here and move on to February. I think that most people are, January is just such a boring month to say the least. 

I love Februray, its the month of lovvvvve. or andy puts it, black history month. 
thats what he said when I asked him what was the first word he thought of when I said February. 

see, we play this game- its a actually really fun one; of us says a word and the other person has to say what the first thing they thought of when they heard the word. Its really funny to play with Andy because well... He's Andy! and his mind is a little different from the rest of ours. another reason why I love him dearly. 

anyway, moving on. He's romantic and thought of black history month first. I was thinking of love, but ya' know that could have just been me. I love romantic sappy lovey things. oooooh I love them so much so I love February. 

This is a picture of me and my honey on our 2nd Valentines together. feb. 2006. me, being the romantic one in the relationship set up a whole dinner complete with Pizza, Brownies and andy's favorite, dr. pepper in a romantic spot overlooking Sand Hollow Lake. I did this all while fighting mono. (no, andy never got it) but I was pretty dang sick. It turned out to be a blast, and definitely one of my favorite valentines.


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